Users and Permissions

Get an Editor user to create and edit your content without the control to make it live. Get the Moderator user to review the content and make it live. Get the admin to lock the critical content to avoid any content mishap. This feature helps you to categorise the users by enabling only a certain set of permissions to them based on their posts.

Available for below plans,




Can be managed by below users,

Administrator User

Moderator User

Editor User


There are three types of users; moderator, editor and administrator.

Access permissions for performing different operations in the system by different types of users

Default user for all the plans is ‘Adminstrator user’. And other type of users can be managed by administrator user in diamond plan only.





Page Operations

Add page

Edit page

Delete page

Move page

Copy page

Save page as draft

Submit page for moderation

Publish page revisions

Schedule page launch

Lock page

Publish a page

Unpublish a page

Make public pages

Make password
protected private pages

Make private pages
which are accessible to
logged-in users

Make private pages
which are accessible to
specific groups


Manage site settings

Manage siteicon

Manage social media sharing

Manage theme styling

Two Factor Authentication

Manage users

Manage tracking details

Manage Google reports and map keys

Manage live chat

Manage redirects

Manage cache settings

Manage external scripts

Forms Operations

Add form

Edit form

Delete form

Copy form

Perform advance settings

View submissions


Add collection

Edit collection

Delete collection

Make public collection

Make password
protected collection

Make private collections
which are accessible
to logged-in users

Make private collections
which are accessible
to specific groups

Add images

Edit image

Delete images

Add documents

Edit document

Delete documents


Add a new user

  1. Go to ‘Settings > User Settings’ using Menu

  1. Click on ‘Add user’

  1. Fill in all the necessary details, assign the roles to the User

  1. Click on ‘Save’

Other details,

Delete user


Set user permission


Make user active


Make user inactive
