3. Sign Up

Are you trying to login for the first time? Or Have you forgot the password ?

You must have received one mail from support@eleiss.com in which your credentials details are there - username, register email address and Web Platform link.

Follow the below steps to get the new password,

  1. Open your Web Platform link

  2. Click on ‘Forgotten your password?’

  1. Enter your register email address (By default company set your default email address and provide it to you in the mail, On that registered email address you must have got reset password link)

  1. Click on the link which is send through email and set the new password

  2. Click on ‘Back to Sign In’

  3. Now enter username and password into the system, verify Google reCaptcha and all done. You are now able to manage your Web Platform.

I have credentials for managing the Web Platform, How to login?

  1. Open your Web Platform link

  2. Enter username and password

  3. Verify the Google Recaptcha

  4. Click on ‘Sign In’ button
