6. Add Resources

Very important step – Management of your images and documents in the Web Platform

You can manage your documents and images folder-wise in your system. To create folder into system go to ‘Resources > Collections’ from Menu.


Create folder first and then start adding resources.

Other details,

Button for adding new collections


Details to provide while creating collection


Actions which can be performed on collection


Privacy settings for collection


Upload images

Go to ‘Resources > Images’ from Menu.


Click on ‘Upload Images’ button. Select folder in which you want to upload new images and select image(s) from your workstation.

Change the title of the images by editing them. As this will set as image alt text.


Alt text: Google knows everything about anything, but cannot “see” photos or GIFs. Yet, they can appear in images results. How come? Bots read the descriptions that you give to your pictures. Called alt text, they are not visible to your visitors, but still give a very strong indication as to what the media is about.

Other details,

Button for adding new images


Upload images


Actions which can be performed on images


Edit image


Upload documents

Go to ‘Resources > Documents’ from Menu.


Click on ‘Upload Documents’ button. Select folder in which you want to upload new documents and select document(s) from your workstation.

Other details,

Button for adding new documents


Upload documents


Actions which can be performed on documents


Edit document



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